Our Turtles Need a New Ride!

The Turtles and Tortoises at the Turtle Survival Center need a new ride!

The time is drawing nigh for us to replace our Turtle Survival Center work truck. It will be missed, as it has served us well. Do YOU have a truck or van that could serve the needs of some of the world‚Äôs most important Chelonians? We move a lot of turtle food/produce, construction materials, staff, interns, volunteers, dirt, rocks, AND turtles on a daily basis. Our TSC vehicle is an integral component in what we do. Your taxdeductible donation of a truck or van will play a big role in Chelonian Conservation.

Useful features in a facility truck include an extended or crew cab, a full-sized bed, and a V6 or V8 engine. OR, a cargo van that seats 12 or more passengers with removable seats. A metal or Rhino Lining floor is very useful, as our work tends to be very, very dirty. As our outreach and event coordination is growing, all vehicles will be considered, so let us know if you have car connections!

If you can be the turtle hero for this need, contact Jordan Gray at jgray@turtlesurvival.org!