Species Spotlight! Common Snapping Turtle!

Common name: Common Snapping Turtle
Scientific name: Chelydra serpentina
Countries of origin: United States of America, Canada
Habitat: Freshwater ponds, lakes, marshes, swamps, ditches, slow-moving rivers and streams, and brackish estuaries
Threats: Habitat destruction and degradation; road mortality; pollution; collection for personal and commercial consumption
Wild Population: Stable/Unknown; highly adaptable to man-made aquatic environments; decreasing in some areas due to collection for the food trade
Conservation: Personal and commercial take regulated at the state/provincial level; field surveys; CITES Appendix II
Graphic: Jordan Gray
Turtle Photo: Licensed
**Turtle Survival Alliance strives to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please contact Jordan Gray at jgray@turtlesurvival.org**