Species Spotlight! Eastern Box Turtle!

Eastern Box Turtles call the grounds of our Turtle Survival Center in South Carolina home! Multiple Box Turtles have their own unique home ranges across the property footprint. You can indirectly help them by donating to our Turtle Month campaign! Your support today, #NationalHonestyDay, will help ensure the longevity of the world-class facility that is the Turtle Survival Center and its grounds, because the honest truth is, turtles are in trouble. https://give.turtlesurvival.org/2023-Turtle-Month-SM

Common name: Eastern Box Turtle

Scientific name: Terrapene carolina carolina

Countries of origin: United States, Canada (extirpated)

Habitat: Forests, scrub, fields, meadows, swamps, marshes, and thickets

Threats: Habitat destruction and fragmentation; road and railroad mortality; disease transmission; collection for personal use and the illegal pet trade

Wild Population: Decreasing; abundant in some areas, while scarce in others

Conservation: Repatriation and reintroduction programs; field surveys; protected from commercial collection in all range states; CITES Appendix II

Graphic: Jordan Gray

Turtle Photo: Jordan Gray

**Turtle Survival Alliance strives to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please contact Jordan Gray at jgray@turtlesurvival.org**