Species Spotlight! Eastern Chicken Turtle!

Celebrate #nationalaudubonday with the Chicken Turtle, today’s
Species Spotlight!

National Audubon Society preserves around the United States provide habitat not only for birds but for numerous turtle species too! One of those is the Chicken Turtle, a native species of the South Carolina Lowcountry that finds refuge on our Turtle Survival Center grounds as well as at The Francis Beidler Forest, an Audubon sanctuary in the region. Birds and turtles, flocking together!

Common name: Eastern Chicken Turtle

Scientific name: Deirochelys reticularia reticularia

Countries of origin: United States of America

Habitat: Shallow, still to slow-moving, heavily-vegetated permanent and temporary wetlands

Threats: Habitat destruction and degradation, and road mortality

Wild Population: Unknown; though local populations are believed to be small, the species is believed to be relatively common

Conservation: Field surveys; protections vary at the state level; listed as Endangered in Virginia

Graphic: Jordan Gray
Turtle Photo: Cris Hagen

You can help our Turtle Survival Center by donating to our Turtle Month campaign today!
**Turtle Survival Alliance strives to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please contact Jordan Gray at jgray@turtlesurvival.org**

For #TurtleMonth, April 22nd, to May 23rd, we are highlighting the 25 endangered species managed at our Turtle Survival Center, as well as the 8 native species that find refuge on our 51-acre property in South Carolina!