Training Teachers in India
by Heather Lowe 
Thirty primary and secondary school teachers from villages along the Chambal River recently participated in a workshop on the turtles and other wildlife of the region. The workshop was held under the auspices of the National Chambal Sanctuary Project (Agra). The program was hosted at the Turtle Survival Alliance Garhaita Turtle Centre in Etawah on 3 February 2014.
The teachers were invited from schools located within a five kilometer radius of the Chambal River Sanctuary. A wide variety of teaching tools were used during the workshop, including demonstrations and ‘eco games.’
The main goal of the project is to train 60 teachers, ultimately impacting 3,000 primary and secondary level students near the sanctuary in 2014. School teachers that complete the program will receive follow up support in implementing the educational modules with their students from the TSA India Education Team.

The program will conclude with a River Fair in early July. TSA India would like to especially thank Mr Neeraj Kumar, DFO, NCS Agra and Mr JP Rajpoot, BSA, Etawah for all guidance. Mr Gurmeet Singh and Mr Suresh Chandra Rajput (Uttar Pradesh Forest Department) steered various sessions. Mr Adesh K Saxena provided coordination with teachers. Finally Mr Rupak De, PCCF (Wildlife) and Mr Basudev Yadav, Director, Primary and Secondry Education are thanked for all encouragement and support. This project is supported by Save our Species (SOS) and Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund (DWCF).