Virtual Poster Session #1, 18th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles

Welcome to Poster Session #1 for the 18th Annual Symposium — A Virtual Experience —

Visit this page between August 06- September 2nd, 2020 to view and comment on over 20 virtual posters related to Chelonian Research and Conservation. Session #1 presenters will be available during that time to respond to comments on their posters! Session #2 will go live on September 3rd. After September 24th, all virtual posters from Sessions #1 & #2, will remain publicly available as an archive.

Posters may focus on successes and failures in research, techniques and approaches, and the tools and technologies used by researchers! Once you have finished viewing the posters, we would appreciate your feedback (IN THE COMMENTS SECTION OF THIS PAGE) on Virtual Poster Session #1.


Thursday August 6, 2020
Poster Session 1
  Influence of Hydroclimatic Factors on the Population Structure of Podocnemis expansa in Rio Formoso, Southeast of the Brazilian Amazon
Adson Ataídes
  Patterns in Yellow-spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) Nesting Three Years After Construction of a Large Run-of-river Dam in the Eastern Amazon
Andrea del Rocío Bárcenas García
  Comparative Analysis of the Growth Rate of Podocnemis expansa Hatchlings in Captivity Submitted to Variable Stocking Density and Ultraviolet Light
Ewerthon Batista
  Nest Predation and Nesting Success for a Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) Population in Northeastern Minnesota
Maria Berkeland
  Size + Shape = Morphological Variation in a Population of Phrynops williamsi from Southern Brazil
Raissa Bressan
  Influences of Temporary Emigration and Demographic Structure on Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) Terrestrial Visual Encounter Survey Results
Donald Brown
  Description of the Interaction Between Phrynops geoffroanus and Mesoclemmys raniceps During Feeding Behavior in Captivity
Cecile Cassio
The Role of Riverside Communities Inserted into the Community Management Program for the Conservation of Freshwater Turtles in the Brazilian Amazon
F√°bio Cunha
  Photo Identification as a Way of Individual Recognition of Phrynops geoffroanus
Kennedy Batista Farias
  The Five Categories of Environmental Enrichment in an Enclosure with Podocnemis expansa at the Amazonian Chelonian Studies Center (CEQUA), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, for Captive Breeding
Jeberson da Silva Ferreira
  Variation of Shell Bone Morphology in Extant Gopherus agassizii
Asher Lichtig
  Glucose Level Comparison in Species of Podocnemididae in Centro de Estudos dos Quel√¥nios da Amaz√¥nia (CEQUA), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
Elisa Lins
  Population and Reproductive Biology of Podocnemis expansa and Podocnemis unifilis in Tocantins, Brazil: A History Between the Years 2004 to 2012
Adriana Malvasio
  A Population Model for Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in Northeastern Minnesota
Ron Moen
  Application of Biofiltration as a Tool to Enhance Water Quality, Physiological Parameters, and Immune Response of Ia√ß√° (Podocnemis sextuberculata)
Ester Jane Farias de Moraes
  Documenting Diatoms in Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) Fecal Samples with a Portable Scanning Electron Microscope
Coleman Odom
  New data of the Non-native Freshwater Turtles in Argentina
Borja Baguette Pereiro
  Clinical Management of Testudines
Harshita Raghav
  Skull Comparative Studies of Turtles from the family Podocnemididae
Millenna Santos
  Hydroclimate Effects on the Reproduction of the Giant South American River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa)
Melina Simoncini (Thiago Portelinha)
  Field Surveys Uncover Unexpected Forest Turtle Diversity in Hill Forests in Northern Vietnam
Pham Van Thong (Charlotte Ducotterd)