Aug 7 - 11, 2022 Tuscon, Arizona
The 20th Annual Symposium returns to Tucson, Arizona
The Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) and IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group (TFTSG) welcome you to attend the 20th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles in sunny Tucson, Arizona. Spanning more than three days and featuring nearly 150 oral and poster presentations, the Annual Symposium provides an unmatched opportunity for those in our field to share their research, initiatives, techniques, and accomplishments.
Fittingly, for our return to an in-person symposium experience, we are hosting the 20th Annual Symposium where we last met in 2019, the beautiful and accommodating Loews Ventana Canyon Resort. Nestled in a lush 100-acre desert garden sanctuary within the foothills of the magnificent Santa Catalina Mountains, Loews Ventana Canyon Resort captures the spirit, beauty, and culture of the Sonoran Desert. Guestrooms offer private terraces, breathtaking views of the area, and every creature comfort. Resort facilities include hiking trails, a self-guided nature tour, two swimming pools, tennis courts, two signature 18-hole golf courses, and a variety of dining options including the innovative Flying V Bar and Grill.
As always, our dedicated Program Committee is working to bring together a wide variety of presentations from around the world, ranging in topic from captive husbandry to field techniques to conservation actions. The Annual Symposium also provides a venue for specialized symposia. During its 19-year history, symposia have included special sessions covering Australia, China, India, Madagascar, and South America, long-term chelonian studies, emergent diseases, nesting ecology, and even bird-related conflicts, to name several. As an added bonus to symposia topics, the Annual Symposium offers focused workshops dealing with such topics as egg incubation, filtration, telemetry, and translocation. In addition to in-house sessions and workshops, the Symposium provides an opportunity for offsite field trips to explore the and local zoos and aquaria, as well as Drink Beer. Save Turtles.® events.
Hosting an average of more than 300 attendees, the Annual Symposium represents the largest gathering of non-marine turtle biologists in the world and provides an unrivaled opportunity for networking and strategizing turtle conservation. By bringing such a diversity of "turtle minds" together, the Annual Symposium is a catalyst for the creation of new programs, initiatives, and partnerships. The Symposium also hosts the annual meetings of the boards of directors for the Turtle Survival Alliance and the Turtle Conservation Fund, as well as the TFTSG Steering Committee meeting.
We look forward to hearing presentations from around the world sharing research, initiatives, techniques, and accomplishments. We expect this year's Symposium to be the best yet!
The Conference Hotel WILL SELL OUT this year, book your room now!

We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting this year's symposium! Please click their logos to visit their websites. Learn more about becoming a sponsor or vendor.
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The Chelonian Event of the Year
The Annual TSA/IUCN-TFTSG Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles is THE chelonian event of the year! We look forward to to seeing you in Tucson!
Turtle Survival Alliance promotes equal opportunities for all. We do not condone any form of discrimination, harassment, or objectification based on gender, race, age, nationality, ethnicity, disability, religion, or sexual orientation. For more information see our Code of Ethics and our Whistleblower Policy. You can see the TSA Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion by clicking here. This statement is endorsed by TFTSG.
As part of the registration process, you will be asked to read and agree to the Symposium Code of Conduct, which you can read here.
Banner Photo: Curtis Ippolito